My Internet Doesn't Work

Ensure you are connected to the network

  • Connect to Brescia_Wireless if using a wireless connection, or use an Ethernet connection if available.
  • If using an Ethernet connection, if your device's ethernet jack has link lights, you should see them light up and blink when connected. If not, there may be a second jack in your room that you can connect to. If not, or if that jack also does not work, please submit a ticket.


Wireless: Ensure you are logged into the network

  1. Try browsing to or attempt to access a non-secured website such as 
  2. If you are redirected to a logon page, use your Brescia e-mail address and current password to log in.
  3. If your network connection still does not work, submit a ticket or come to room 229 in the Roberts Center for the Sciences during the business hours shown on the helpdesk website at 

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